People come in contact with some sort of ecosystem daily since it surrounds us and is a part of everything we touch. Humanity has a significant impact on the Earth’s ecosystems, something that is not realized by a lot of people. Constant wisdom and attention are required to maintain a delicate balance between the two. It is disappointing that the majority of people are unaware of the way they affect their immediate environment, not to mention the delicate balance of nature’s ecosystem. There are several types of ecosystems and what is essential is to know how they affect the daily lives of people as well as how humans are an integral part of them.
How We Classify Ecosystems
Several different methods are employed to classify ecosystems, which is based upon factors such as the terrain and vegetation such as a rainforest ecosystem. Classification may also be according to the type of atmosphere in which they live, such as a marine ecosystem. A congruous classification system continues to be elusive even though researchers and experts studying ecosystems are working really hard to define a universal classification system that can identify ecosystems for the purposes of protection.
Researchers and scientists undertook an effort to study the different ecosystems of the world in 2001 in order to determine the extent of the damage that had been done to them by humankind. This was the biggest project that had ever been attempted to enlist and label all the different types of ecosystems on Earth. They proved that humankind had caused more damage to the ecosystem over the past fifty years than it has done ever before. If we want to continue living in a sustainable environment, this assessment is essential to human beings everywhere. People need to be aware of the repercussions they have on the environment and make necessary changes to keep the Earth healthy in the years to come.
Describing A Biome
An ecosystem is also referred to as a biome. It comprises groups of animals, organisms and plants working in conjecture in one small area. For example, the milieu and murking of the swamp or the urban sprawl next to it is the urban biome. In the larger biomes with greater area, even houses can be considered as a biome within. One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that this also includes any non-living object that is present in the region.
How Ecosystems Are Formed
An ecosystem is started from that initial beginning point of an organism and its environment. As the microorganisms flourish and grow along with flora and fauna coming into the area, an ecosystem begins to take shape. For example, a marine environment may have a piece of coral that has started to grow. As the coral grows bigger and more coral is being added, marine animals start taking shelter and food from it. This is what is currently known as an ecosystem. A smaller ecosystem which remains nestled within a bigger ecosystem still remains an ecosystem.